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    What is Moissanite

    Moissanite Halo Engagement Ring

    Moissanite engagement rings have been gaining in popularity recently due to their beautiful bright sparkle and affordability, making them the ideal choice for modern brides on a budget. With all this recent attention, there has been many questions regarding the moissanite gemstone itself. In this article, we'll cover all the basics to make sure you understand what it is so that you can make a better informed decision when considering this beautiful stone.

    Is moissanite a diamond?

    Perhaps one of the most popular questions people have is if moissanites are some type of diamond? The quick answer is no. Moissanite is a completely different type of gemstone and has its own uniquely precious characteristics. It has it's own chemical compound putting it on a league of it's own. The confusion usually occurs because it appears so identical to a diamond visually. It has a beautiful luster to it that reflects light in a "fiery" manner. Eyes can be deceptive however and only expert jewelers can tell the difference between them. 

    Is moissanite natural?

    Yes, however natural moissanites are extremely rare! Those moissanites literally came from the sky in a meteorite crash in Arizona about 50,000 years ago. Thanks to Henri Moissan however, the moissanite you love and wear today was faithfully synthesized in labs to bring it’s brilliance to the masses. So there you have it, the moissanite stones available on the market today are all lab grown and that's actually a good thing. If you happen to stumble upon a natural moissanite, have a look at it's hefty price tag. They are literally rarer than diamonds themselves!

    Princess cut moissanite ring

    Is moissanite worth money?

    This can be quite subjective. In our modern days, yes moissanite is worth money as couples tend to spend less in general on their engagement ring. For those people who prefer the traditional engagement ring, then the answer would be no, as they prefer to invest in their diamond often spending more on a decent natural diamond. So if you're on a tight budget, a moissanite center stone would be a great option for you as you won't compromise on anything. They even shine brighter than diamonds. The moissanites we feature on our website are all the whitest and highest quality possible which is (DEF).

    Is moissanite a lab created diamond?

    No. Moissanite is a lab created gemstone not a diamond. As mentioned above, moissanite has its own characteristics and should never be compared to a diamond even though they appear to be similar to the naked eye. Again, we're talking about oranges and apples here, they are completely different. This would be a good place to inform you that you should never purchase a natural or lab diamond without it's certificate. Some retailers out there, while unfortunate, sell moissanite stones as diamonds. Please don't fall a victim to this scheme. Your diamonds should always be certified and come with a handy book describing all it's characteristics. When buying moissanites, since they are affordable, never compromise on color or cut. Always buy the highest possible which is a (DEF).

    5 carat emerald cut moissanite ring

    Is moissanite better than a diamond?

    This again can be subjective. If you are on a tight budget, then yes moissanite is much better than a diamond as you will save a decent amount of money without sacrificing quality or appearance. As a matter of fact, moissanite looks identical to a diamond and most people won’t even know the difference. Your choice should always be made based on your budget and circumstances. Even though natural diamonds hold their value, you'll still end up losing money when selling it, so you should always consider that when making your purchasing decision. 

    Why is moissanite so popular?

    Moissanite is gaining popularity with today’s modern bride for many reasons including:

    1. It’s gorgeous and durable
    2. It’s extremely affordable
    3. It’s ethically superior to a traditional natural diamond
    4. It looks identical to a diamond and sparkles as bright
    5. It’s environmentally friendly
    6. It’s a real and genuine gemstone not fake

    Should i buy a lab created diamond or a moissanite?

    That is completely up to you. You will save more money if you choose a moissanite however, if you want to claim the fact that you bought a diamond, then a lab grown diamond might be the choice for you. The key takeaway here is not the quality or preciousness of the stone but rather the idea of it being a diamond or not and for a more expensive price. Rest assured, your significant other will fall in love with the brilliance of any of these choices. We make it easy for you to compare the prices of moissanite engagement rings and lab grown diamond engagement rings. Start by browsing our setting only diamond engagement rings category, then click on the ring you like. Under the title of each ring, you'll see the price difference between moissanite and lab diamond.