A Contemporary Guide to Rings: Moving Beyond the Fingers

Rings are often the most collected piece of jewelry in the fashion industry. Their smaller size and solid construction allows them to endure years of wear and tear through numerous life stages.

While bracelets and necklaces may break or tarnish, both high-end and costume rings can withstand the test of multiple eras and fashion trends. This means that a true jewelry consumer will want to be able to showcase their rings on a rotating basis and limiting one’s collection to hands only puts a damper on both the consumer and ring creators/artisans. Rings are multi-purpose pieces of jewelry and a thumb ring can be just as alluring as an engagement ring under the right circumstances.

With the advent sexuality fluidity, androgynous styles of rings are hip and a ring can just as easily be worn on the ring finger as thrown on a nice chain to create a markedly different statement. The benefit for both those selling and buying is that the ring plus a different chain or choker option allows for a variety of versatile looks, regardless of gender.

Placing a well-loved ring on a necklace can be just as romantic or sentimental as a ring worn on a finger, but minus the hassle of worrying about damage due to daily wear or any jobs that do not allow for rings that are visible to customers.

A sturdy and short chain is ideal in the workplace so no rings go missing. This unique way of wearing rings may work well for the world traveler venturing into foreign countries where flashy or expensive jewelry is an issue or for the business person who does not want to be too showy with his or her ring collection.

Rings are also ideal for a number of hairstyles, especially among the African American community as a well-crafted and cultural ring can be used to adorn dreadlocks or other styles of braids. The same mechanics can apply to a prom style with allowance for more pageant flair.

Long hair is always in style but adding one or more rings is a way to create a one-of-a-kind look that pushes the bounds of creativity and showcasing both heirlooms and fun thrift store finds. It is also always worth mentioning that body piercings of all types lend themselves to rings of smaller sizes.

One must be careful in using rings found around the house but this type of ring allows the jewelry industry to push the bounds of what goes in the body and how high-end does not always have to mean a tradition ring.

A large portion of consumers would love to pay for rings that are hypoallergenic, unique, and include gemstones or any amount of detailing versus the simpler stainless steel nose and orbital or tragus rings found at local shops.

A little creativity on either the jewelry collector or creator’s parts and rings are no longer just meant for the hand, so start pushing the bounds of what is in your collection and repurpose or create for personal or resale use!